Plymouth Powerful Women

Joan Vickers

Joan Vickers, Baroness Vickers, DBE (1907-94)  Conservative MP for Plymouth Devonport 1955-74, she was an enthusiastic adopted Plymothian, and a dedicated constituency MP. Like Nancy Astor, she was never a ‘reliable’ Conservative MP, voting according to her conscience especially on issues relating to women’s interests, especially… Read More »Joan Vickers

Joan Stopporton

Alderman Joan Stopporton (c1929-2016)  Joan Stopporton was elected to the Plympton St Mary Ward of Plymouth in 1979, and served 18 years as Councillor, being appointed an Alderman in 2000. She was Lord Mayor of Plymouth 1997-1998.  

Alison Seabeck

Alison Seabeck (1954 to present)  London-born, she worked at the House of Commons where, amongst other things, she became a member of the Fawcett Society and the Labour Women’s Network. She was selected as the Labour candidate for Plymouth Devonport, and was elected in 2005, becoming… Read More »Alison Seabeck

Pauline Purnell

Pauline Purnell  Labour Councillor for Honicknowle 2000-2010, she has been an active member and was a Director of Honicknowle Commnet, the community networking group set up in 1999 to respond to and promote the needs of the local community.

Jean Nelder

Jean Nelder Elected a Labour Councillor for the Sutton Ward in 1987, she served as a City Councillor for that ward for an uninterrupted 28 years until her retirement in 2015. Universally respected for her integrity and commitment to the city as well as her ward, she… Read More »Jean Nelder

Pauline Murphy

Pauline Murphy (1959) She was Lord Mayor of Plymouth 2016-17, having also served as Lady Mayoress 2008-9. A regional data co-ordinator for Traveline Southwest, she has been a Labour Councillor for the Efford and Lipson ward since 2010, and as well as actively supporting initiatives… Read More »Pauline Murphy